SureSawit™ VIR Test

- Enhance breeding experiments and trials
- Improve harvesting accuracy
- Increase oil yields
The SureSawit VIR test is a simple molecular screen for oil palm fruit color. Genetic testing for the virescens trait enables early differentiation of virescens from nigrescens fruits, allowing selection for the desired future fruit color at the seedling or early nursery stage and accelerating introgression into elite breeding material. Planting VIR palms will improve harvesting accuracy and increase oil yields.

The test starts with the SureSawit Sample Collection Kit. The SureSawit Sample Collection Kit includes everything you need for easy, trackable collection of oil palm leaves for downstream processing. The patented leaf punch and tree tag facilitate sample collection and tree labeling from a nursery palm, juvenile palm or adult palm. The punch and tag include barcodes for accurate tracking of leaf sample to tree.
SureSawit Kit Manual English Version
SureSawit Kit Manual Malaysia Bahasa Version
Sample Collection Training Video Malaysia Bahasa Version
DNA is extracted from the leaf samples using a proprietary DNA isolation protocol. The DNA is then genotyped on the Douglas Scientific IntelliQube, based on the Array Tape® platform. This cutting edge, automated system includes liquid handling, thermal cycling, detection and analysis. The addition of the Intellicycler® PCR Water Bath Thermocycler provides even more genotyping capacity, allowing Orion Biosains to process tens of thousands of samples per day!
Learn More About Orion Biosains. English Version
Learn More About Orion Biosains. Malaysia Bahasa Version
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